When it comes to event gifting of any kind, it's important that there is a real purpose behind it! Nothing is worse than giving someone something that they are going to throw away or will get lost in their junk drawer. It's a waste of money and doesn't leave an impression - double waste. This is truly our morale for Weddings and Corporate events alike. Thinking through the process of what it will look like and what favors attendees will be excited to eat or use - are important things to consider! Here are some ideas to help when brainstorming any gift or favor ideas for your event:
Event Gifting Advice:
Think of the 5 Senses:
Taste, Smell, Feel, Hear, See - Ensure that your gift is appeasing to all of these senses! If it's a snack, make sure it tastes delicious and is appealing to most taste buds. Are you going to give a candle or something with a scent? Something relaxing and neutral (or similar to a scent at your event!), Feel and See are simply to ensure it's something aesthetically pleasing. Stay away from cheesy trade show branded items that look like 15 things they have at home with from different events. And hear? No annoying squeakers or beeping that their kids will play with forever!
How would you feel if you received it?
Put yourself in the guests shoes. What would your reaction be if you took it home with you after the event? If you're not super excited - think that through!
What's the purpose?
It's important that event takeaways feel thoughtful and purposeful. Does it have a connection to your event? Is there a connection to your guests? To have a memorable event and gift, these need to feel connected.
How will you give it out?
Thinking through an efficient and presentable way to distribute the gifts is also an important piece to consider. Are they pre-packaged in gift bags or boxes for people to pick up on the way out? Is it something that people can use during the event and take home with them after? Is it something you even ship or mail out post-event as a thank you? Find the best method that works for your event!